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A Terroir Case Study: Matcha Green Tea

A Terroir Case Study: Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea is becoming increasingly popular, whether you're a tea connoisseur or not (matcha latte anyone?). However, Matcha has an old history and has been revered for hundreds of years for its unique flavor, impressive health benefits, and impressive production process. In this post, I'm going to reveal some of the aspects of the craft that go into producing Matcha. Truly, it's a grand manipulation of the tea's terroir and the refinement behind the way it's processed once harvested.

Sunshine & Tea Quality (Tea Terroir Part II)

Sunshine & Tea Quality (Tea Terroir Part II)

The amount of sun and shade a tea plant receives influence the flavor in your cup. Tea plants require some sunshine to grow but too much and the quality of the tea will plummet.

The Truth Behind Caffeine in Tea

The Truth Behind Caffeine in Tea

You may have heard that black tea has more caffeine than green tea. You may have heard the exact opposite- that actually, green tea has more caffeine than black tea. In reality, you can't say that all green teas have more caffeine than black teas (or the reverse). The question of how much caffeine is in your tea is a combination of the type of tea, how it was processed, and how it's prepared.

A note on Jameela Jamil's social media outrage over detox teas…

A note on Jameela Jamil's social media outrage over detox teas…

There are lots of tea products on the market that are sold under the "detox" label. While tea touts many health benefits (some scientifically proven and others not), these types of labels have become problematic because of the influence they have over people and their health, especially younger teen audiences.

Terroir: Climate and Tea Taste

Terroir: Climate and Tea Taste

If you've done a wine tasting before you may have heard the term terroir thrown around by the sommelier. Terroir is used to refer to the group of environmental factors like altitude, climate and soil composition that influences the taste of the wine, or in our case, the tea. In this post, I'll focus on the effect of climate, an element of terroir, on tea.